Fantastic stocks
where to find them

Hello! This introductory course is prepared by the Freedom 24 online stock market team and is designed for absolute beginners in investing.

Start your learning

Этот курс подойдёт тебе,
если ты:

Looking for the simplest entry point into the world of investments
Looked at other courses before this, but they were complicated and confusing, using financial terminology
You are an absolute beginner, not just in the world of investments but also when it comes to anything related to finances
You want to start understanding this, at least on a basic level
You want everything in simple words, without complicated terms
You prefer learning in a "chat with a friend over coffee" format rather than a "professor in a lecture" style

Что ты получишь
от курса

After completing this course, you will possess all the necessary knowledge to start investing with Freedom 24. You'll be able to open an account in just 15 minutes from the comfort of your home and purchase stocks with your credit card in three simple clicks, and most importantly, understand what you're doing and why.


Lesson 1
Начни инвестировать уже сейчас
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Lesson 2
Что такое акции и с чем их едят
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Lesson 3
Зачем компании выпускают акции, а инвесторы их покупают
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Lesson 4
Как акции попадают в продажу (IPO)
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Lesson 5
Биржа: куда акции попадают после размещения
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Lesson 6
Как регулируются биржи, можно ли им доверять и где хранятся купленные активы
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Lesson 7
Что нужно, чтобы купить акции и кто такие брокеры
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Lesson 8
Как покупать акции и что такое торговые платформы
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Lesson 9
Как можно заработать на фондовом рынке
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Lesson 10
Как меняется цена на акции и от чего она зависит
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Lesson 11
Разница между трейдингом и инвестированием
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Lesson 12
Главный закон инвестирования и основные виды инвестирования на фондовых рынках
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Lesson 13
Облигации: минимальный риск, но и минимальная гарантированная доходность
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Lesson 14
Урок 14. Индексы: низкие риски и низкая доходность
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Lesson 15
ETF: средние риски и средний потенциал доходности
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Lesson 16
Акции: высокие риски и высокий потенциал доходности
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Lesson 17
Как выбирать акции и сформировать инвестиционный портфель
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Lesson 18
Сложный процент
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Lesson 19
Доверие к системе фондовых рынков и брокерским компаниям
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Lesson 20
Бонус: эта ваша крипта, она сейчас с нами в комнате?
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Lesson 21
Что мне делать в итоге?
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Отзывы прошедших курс


Will I be able to start investing after completing the course?

Yes, absolutely! After completing the course, you'll find it very easy to use our Freedom 24 website to purchase your first stocks. If you have any questions about buying stocks on Freedom 24, you can find all the information in the Support section.

Is it possible to retake the course?

Certainly! You can always revisit any lesson you've read at any time.

Is this information only for beginners? What if I want to continue my education? Are there any plans for additional courses?

Yes, this course is designed for people who had no prior knowledge of investments. After completing all the lessons, you can also visit our Academy portal at and take courses that cover more in-depth topics in the world of investments.

I don't like reading - can I listen to the course?

Yes, of course! In the near future, this course will be available in a video format on the website. Follow us on Instagram at and stay tuned for updates!

How does the course work, and is registration required?

The course is presented in a text format with visual images, graphs, and examples. It is structured so that each topic becomes more complex as you progress. You can revisit the lessons at any time. Before taking the course, you will need to go through the registration process on the website or log in to an existing account.

I'm a beginner, is this course suitable for me?

Yes! The course content is adapted and structured so that even individuals with zero knowledge in investments can address all their questions.